It's 2013!! I'm going to try to make it a epic and relevant year full of ambition.
To start off, me and my brother have started a composing service mainly for video-games at The Dual Dragons
Taken straight from our website:
Got an action-game project that is in need of a energy packed adrenaline-rush soundtrack? Are you looking for someone who can deliver a beautiful symphonic soundscape with focus on strong melodies for your RPG? Or are you looking for a little of every possible wicked style in order to create something truly unique? No matter what your project is, you've come to the right place!
Our philosophy is that a focus on strong melody can enhance an experience a lot more than purely atmospheric music. The clue is to combine the two in perfect harmony to each given situation in a way that really makes each and every moment shine uniquely and become something truly memorable. This is something that will make players want to return to the experience again and again.
We are interested in taking on RIPE projects that are artistic and we strongly prefer to compose for story-driven games.
We believe that stories in games are very vital in order to create a memorable experience, so composing for such projects are what we are aiming for.
We do however look at all projects with an open mind, and are open to most genres, like JRPG's, WRPG's, horror, action, open-world, stealth and platformer etc.
Our only demands are that your project is READY for music and that it has top notch quality. Way too many contact too early in the developement, leaving the composers hanging for 1-2 years without much to do, which is very unproductive. So please make sure you're ready.
You can listen to a lot of variety of works here on my channel at Newgrounds, or check out our diverse demo-reel containing various styles, again, at The Dual Dragons