Making music and playing video games is my lifestyle

Dan Johansen @DanJohansen

Age 38, Male


Self-taught guitarist


Joined on 12/15/10

Exp Points:
1,026 / 1,110
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5.23 votes
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DanJohansen's News

Posted by DanJohansen - December 18th, 2015

Thy time has cometh! After about a year of composing 10 tracks, the release date of doom has finally arrived with a vengeance. Depths of Oblivion is my 6th solo album and 4th Metal album. 

90% Instrumental power prog metal goddamn music and 10% with vocals of death and destruction that include the growls of the gods!

Get it digitally and a super mega limited physical release here: 

Also available around the internet of demonic spider webs such as iTunes and Amazon if you rather prefer those options. 

Thanks in advance if you are getting it and a big fuck you if you don't, JUST KIDDING! 
Anyways, it was a blast magic this dark medieval album with monster art by Juan Arrabal Hernandez and mastering by Diamonddiscaudio. ROCK ON! 


Posted by DanJohansen - November 13th, 2015

And here it is, my upcoming album Depths of Oblivion! Art by the talented and badass Juan Arrabal Hernandez which you can find at: http://www.kokodriliscus.deviantart.com/

My album will be out in a few weeks if things go well, the tracks are being mastered as I write this and the album will contain 10 tracks! \m/ Rock on and have a good weekend.


Posted by DanJohansen - March 8th, 2015

It was a pretty epic year for me in 2014, releasing the solo albums Cuintha II and Power Suite as well as the OST for the Ninedotsstudio game GoD: Factory Wingmen.

2015 wont have as many album releases but I am interested in composing for some new promising games. Games that I would like to play myself, ambitious in concept, with either great innovative gameplay features or an in depth story, or even better, both. 

My preferred game genres:
- Sidescrollers with fresh gameplay features.
- Space shooters with epic combat.
- RPG's with either in depth turn based on action RPG combat with exploration.
- Stealth.
- Hack and Slash.
- Third person shooters.
- Top down shooters.
- The unknown that can't simply be labelled.

I compose with melodies in mind at all times and I don't particularly like ambient soundtracks.

I am very flexible in terms of payment, if a project is great but has low budget I am willing to compromise. 
If you like my music and you think I'd be a fit for your game, feel free to PM me. If you know of someone in need of a composer spread the word or let me know!

Have a good 2015, and let's continue to create!
And thanks for listening to my creations. 

- Dan Johansen

Posted by DanJohansen - September 2nd, 2014

I'm here to present our first official game soundtrack for a game by the talented Nine Dots Studio called GoD Factory: Wingmen which is a 4 vs 4 multiplayer game with huge epic strategic battle with crazy amount of customization available which you can sink tens and tens of hours into. 

It was great fun composing this soundtrack, me and my brother Frank Johansen collaborated on the entire thing and really felt like it was right down our alley concept wise, it being epic Sci-Fi with unique concepts and all!

We got contacted by Guillaume of Nine Dots Studio here on Newgrounds and were offered to be the composers for the Namco Bandai published game and we were stoked, it really shows that Newgrounds can lay a foundation and lets you reach out to a wide audience of people and even attract industry professionals to listen to your music. So in that regard I want to thank the site for giving us an awesome place to release music.

Here is the cover art:



Buy the PC game from Steam: 

The album is available at CDbaby and should soon be on iTunes and Amazon.

You can also listen to the album on youtube from our The Dual Dragons youtube channel here:

Posted by DanJohansen - June 14th, 2014

Earlier this year, someone stole one of my tracks and had it released on an album, this curse made me worried about my other music, and since I have released many Rock/Metal tracks the last few years that have been quite scattered about I came to the decision to release 24 of the tracks I'm most proud of, both to get them into the Lime-Light a little bit more and to secure them from being stolen in the future. 

So I introduce to you today, my 5th album release POWER SUITE. 1 hour and 38 minutes of music for the cheap price of 4.99$ at Cdbaby.com. Or search me up on iTunes and Amazon for a slightly more expensive price. 

Here is the cover by my friend Doug Blaker: 

Buy the album and support here: http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/danjohansen4

Posted by DanJohansen - April 8th, 2014

Hi there, finally Cuintha II has been officially released, took awhile to get the art done and everything in order but it`s been done and I am proud to release my 4th album. 

Here is the link to the album at CDbaby: http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/danjohansen3

The artwork was done by Kokodriliscus, the same badass artist who made the first Cuintha albums cover, his art can be found here: http://kokodriliscus.deviantart.com/art/3Moons-357990926

Thanks for the continous support, it`s always been a blast creating the album and I assure you more will come!

-Dan Johansen


Posted by DanJohansen - January 2nd, 2014

It's a new year so Happy New Year people!  I am happy to announce that I have started two new album project this year, one being a untitled concept instrumental power metal album, which I have got one track for already. I don't have a solid release date for it as of yet but it's probably gonna be some time during the first half of 2014.  As for Cuintha II, I am happy for the support I got for the first Cuintha project, and I truly enjoyed created the pieces and concepts for the album. I however did not feel like I did the world true justice with those tracks, I feel the world needs to be bigger and contain many more places and mysticms. So I've started making part II and I will release each track as it's finished, and one I got the whole album I'll release it as an official album. Here is the first track, River of Illusions: http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/561792?updated=1

Posted by DanJohansen - March 6th, 2013

Hi there guys! I just released all of the symphonic tracks for the concept and world ''Cuintha''.
If you'd like to support my hard work with these tunes you can buy the album here:


Artwork by: kokodriliscus

Album description:

Cuintha, the epic land containing many mysteries and blessings such as the Raining Cave, the Floating Island of Githrau, the majestic Flying Moon Creature, the free spirited and artistic city of Adventua and many more places that makes the peaceful land both unique and a fantastic place to experience. Many mountains reach all the way up and above the Magic Cloud Sea and the plains are so vast it takes years to travel on foot, the Three Moons shine their reflection on the lakes and oceans across the world.

If only other worlds were as free of suffering and pain as Cuintha. Free of the chains of currency and the evils that follow it.
It is a unified world of beauty and purity, of peace and tranquility.

The artwork presenting the project which I've also included underneath was made by the talented Juan Arrabal.

The album Cuintha has been released!

Posted by DanJohansen - January 17th, 2013

It's 2013!! I'm going to try to make it a epic and relevant year full of ambition.
To start off, me and my brother have started a composing service mainly for video-games at The Dual Dragons

Taken straight from our website:

Got an action-game project that is in need of a energy packed adrenaline-rush soundtrack? Are you looking for someone who can deliver a beautiful symphonic soundscape with focus on strong melodies for your RPG? Or are you looking for a little of every possible wicked style in order to create something truly unique? No matter what your project is, you've come to the right place!

Our philosophy is that a focus on strong melody can enhance an experience a lot more than purely atmospheric music. The clue is to combine the two in perfect harmony to each given situation in a way that really makes each and every moment shine uniquely and become something truly memorable. This is something that will make players want to return to the experience again and again.

We are interested in taking on RIPE projects that are artistic and we strongly prefer to compose for story-driven games.
We believe that stories in games are very vital in order to create a memorable experience, so composing for such projects are what we are aiming for.

We do however look at all projects with an open mind, and are open to most genres, like JRPG's, WRPG's, horror, action, open-world, stealth and platformer etc.

Our only demands are that your project is READY for music and that it has top notch quality. Way too many contact too early in the developement, leaving the composers hanging for 1-2 years without much to do, which is very unproductive. So please make sure you're ready.

You can listen to a lot of variety of works here on my channel at Newgrounds, or check out our diverse demo-reel containing various styles, again, at The Dual Dragons

Looking for great indie and industry game projects!

Posted by DanJohansen - June 27th, 2012

So I've decided to focus on music full time and I am accepting commissions!
I can do most styles and I have a lot of examples of my work, but I'll categorize my three favorite styles:

Videogame music; Old school, retro style tracks or any other type of video game styles you'd like to request.
75$ pr. track. Example work:

http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/486221 - Retro sidescroller VGM
http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/490023 - Retro shooter VGM

Orchestral/Symphonic, world music; for movie, animation, modern games or other requested categories.
90-120$ pr.track depending on length. Example work:

http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/489897 - Epic spirited piece
http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/491990 - Deep moody piece
http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/486545 - Unique Chinese flavored track

Rock/Metal music; instrumental power metal, thrash metal, high speed, low speed, heavy, speedy, you name it.
120$ pr.track. Example work:

http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/486547 - Power metal
http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/488128 - Progressive metal
http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/391392 - Inst. power ballad
http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/454113 - Prog. metal with vocals

So send me a PM if you want me to cook up something awesome for your project! Or send an e-mail to:
lunarheartheaven (at) yahoo.com

I can give you a better deal if you request more than 1 track.
Dan Johansen out.